Carissa Grady has a passion for criminal justice and improving our court system. She started her education with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice, graduating in the top seat of her class with a perfect 4.0 GPA and Summa Cum Laude honors. Afterwards, she continued to expand her education and was accepted to the Master's program at University of Houston Downtown. She believes in improving our court system and made her thesis a public study of the judicial misconduct that was occurring in Harris County, which will be published in the near future. She has been building her professional experience for over a decade now, currently working with the Harris County Attorney’s Office as a Paralegal for the Compliance and Revenue Division.
When not pursing ways to improve our criminal justice system, she is spending time with her husband James (34), their son Carter (8), and daughter Brooklyn (5). She believes that family is of the utmost importance and strive to provide a wonderful childhood for their two kids.
Meet Carissa Grady

For the People,
Not the Politics
For Justice of the Peace
Precinct 8, Place 1
Carissa Grady

Your vote for Justice of the Peace matters! Carissa Grady wants to improve our local court system and the first step in doing that starts with you. She cares about making sure every voter has the tools and knowledge needed to make their voice count. For that reason, she has a page on this site dedicated to help voters get registered, learn about the voting process, and gain access to the tools to educate themselves on the people they help put in office.